(Oh, the color scheme comes from another baby, which is not ready yet, I'm in the process of making the sunbonnets for it).
I'm especially happy with the back, which is not the usual fabric, but the soft "baby" fabric that is so warm to touch. This is going to be a baptize gift as well, to a little boy this time. I know it's not blue, but why should we always respect the convention???
Oh, I forgot: the pattern is called "Disappearing Nine Patch", because it starts as a nine patch.
And than you sew them all back together again. Easy! And it offers endless possibilities. It is very likely you will see more of this pattern around here, because I really like it.
It's nice. I like this pattern too.
ReplyDeleteThank you! Si bine ai venit :)
ReplyDeleteImi place grozav ce vad dar din pacate nu inteleg ce-ai scris! Nu vrei tu sa scrii si in romaneste sa priceapa si...je? Elena
ReplyDeleteBine ai venit, Elena!
ReplyDelete...si cum sa fac sa ma inteleg cu toata lumea? :)))
Ideea era sa fie in engleza, sa fie de larga circulatie. Mai am doua bloguri pe care pe le tin paralel, ca sa fie romana engleza... cu asta trei, sa fac patru... si asa n-am timp pentru tot ce-mi place...
M-am gandit si la forma pe care o are Katy, bilingva, dar la cat ma intind eu la povesti, pare complicat....
Ma mai gandesc, inca nu m-am hotarat asupra formei finale, bilingv sau duo blog, dar pana atunci, daca vrei sa intrebi ceva, raspund cu placere!
superbe creatiile !! copilasii vor fi si fericiti si rasfatati in acelasi timp....ce bine ca exista pentru ei un suflet larg ca al tau !
ReplyDeleteCum e acel material "baby-soft" ? finet cumva ?
Dap, e finet, da' nu stiu cum ii zice :))) si a fost apreciata si paturica asta ;))), pentru ca a plecat deja la destinatarului, un mic "Bondanel"...