Today I have been visiting a foreign country. Let's see, do you recognize it by some of its inhabitants?
(Noreen the keen is mean to demean - rumors go that she's having a bad tongue)
(Raphaella, a fallen angel, that picked up human habits, started smocking, drinking beer, sometimes even she doesn't believe she once was an angel, because nobody believes her)
(a ghotic missie that was happening there with her rainbow friend)
(a thing)
(another Halloween thing)
(Chilperic, another thing :)))
a W.I.P.
(exhibition pannel)
(the mother of them all ;)
Ooooh! I almost forgot! She is Agatha, and she came home with us, very determined about where she is going to live from now on.
All in all, I was visiting Falushtain, the land of dreamed stories, a mysterious, curious and wondrous realm. Go visit too!
p.s. This means I went to the hand made event that is taking place these days in Bucharest :))) and I met Anca, and her puppets.
Tough it is not crafted by me, this is a carol that has grown very dear to my heart, part because of the singer, part because of the lyrics... Halloween is not (yet) a tradition in my country, also all saints day, but the simplicity of the words, the pureness of the request... has touched a part of my heart.
and there is more: a recipe of the beautiful soul-cake:
Soul Cakes are an echo of the sacrificial foods of the Celtic festival of Samhain held in early autumn. These little cakes were traditionally set out with glasses of wine on All Hallows Eve (31st October) for the souls of the dead. On All Saints Day (1st November) children would go "souling" calling out "Soul, Soul, for a Soul Cake: pray you good mistress, a soul cake".
3/4 cup butter
3/4 cup caster/superfine sugar
4 cups plain flour, sifted
3 egg yolks
1 teaspoon mixed spice
1 teaspoon allspice
3 tablespoons currants
a little milk
- Cream the butter and sugar together until pale in colour and fluffy in texture.
- Beat in the egg yolks.
- Fold in the sifted flour and spices.
- Stir in the currants.
- Add enough milk to make a soft dough.
- Form into flat cakes and mark each top with a cross.
- Bake on a well-greased baking tray in a hot oven until golden.
and the lyrics...
A soul cake, a soul cake, please good missus a soul cake.
An apple, a pear, a plum, a cherry,
any good thing to make us all merry,
A soul cake, a soul cake, please good missus a soul cake.
One for Peter, two for Paul, three for Him who made us all.
A soul cake, a soul cake, please good missus a soul cake.
An apple, a pear, a plum, a cherry,
any good thing to make us all merry,
God bless the master of this house, and the mistress also.
And all the little children that round your table grow.
The cattle in your stable and the dog by your front door.
And all that dwell within your gates
we wish you ten times more.
A soul cake, a soul cake............
Go down into the cellar and see what you can find.
If the barrels are not empty we hope you will be kind.
We hope you will be kind with your apple and strawber’
For we’ll come no more a ’soalin’ till Xmas time next year.
A soul cake, a soul cake, ......................
The streets are very dirty, me shoes are very thin
I have a little pocket to put a penny in.
If you haven’t got a penny, a ha’ penny will do.
If you haven’t got a ha’ penny then God bless you.
A soul cake, a soul cake, please good missus a soul cake.
An apple, a pear, a plum, a cherry,
any good thing to make us all merry,
A soul cake, a soul cake, please good missus a soul cake.
One for Peter, two for Paul, three for Him who made us all.
After a short question, a week of wandering all over the internet and a brainstorming session with the kids, my felting tools have been put at work. This is the result.
And I've been caught in action :))))), during the photo session.
... is ready. My fingers hurt. A lot. I'm happy, but I won't be doing this pattern for a while, I can assure you.
Next, I've started already inventing other projects... but I still think of old ones. I surprised myself today of revising the "to do" list: it became shorter by two, and longer by so many :))))
...should look like a decent cloth by the end of the week. I haven't decide yet if I will add batting (and try free motion on the sandwich) or if I will just be content with the upper cloth/inner cloth construction.
I've decided to enter this adventure after strolling the whole town and not finding a suitable winter coat (or at least to my liking) and after seeing one (on someone) that looked like this.
After struggling, re-doing, thinking, and some more thinking, matching and querying, it is finally ready: the baby girl quilt with sunbonnets destined to be the child's most precious cloth.
I'm happy with the way it finally came out. The binding comes from Holland, fabric I bought 5 years ago. I didn't feel it matched any project till this one, when it was "the perfect match".
One of the girls "had" to have a cat. It was too small to make it an applique, it would have been a disaster. Then I thought of making it with felt, wool and needles, but would have it resisted the high temperature wash, the wear and tear a baby quilt gets? I didn't think so, therefore I've came up with embroidery as last resort. My little girl noticed, when it was finished, that the cat should have had also eyes, because, from the mustache, you could see it's looking to us, but I thought it would have been too much. She agreed when I explained it's too small to be able to make beautiful eyes, and she concluded: the cat is blinking like a lot of people do when you take a photo, and we caught it with her eyes shut! I just love her when she draws such logical conclusions...
Un quilt este un tip de lenjerie de pat – o patura care acoperă - compusa dintr-un strat superior, un strat de umplutura şi un strat de tesatura de suport, în general unite cu ajutorul tehnicii de matlasare. O altă tehnică pentru asigurarea coeziunii straturilor quilt-ului este legarea. Legarea se referă la tehnica ce utilizeaza fire, ata sau panglică ce trec prin toate cele trei straturi de quilt la intervale regulate. Aceste legături mentin straturile împreună în timpul utilizării şi mai ales atunci când quilt-ul este spălat. Această metodă este mai simpla atunci cand quilt-ul se face manual.
Multe quilt-uri sunt realizate cu modele decorative; unele quilt-uri nu sunt utilizate ca patura deloc, ci sunt mai degrabă facute pentru a fi agatate pe un perete sau expuse în alt mod. Mai multe informatii, aici.
Cum se intretine un quilt
In functie de gradul de complexitate si de structura quilt-ului, el poate fi spalat in masina sau numai manual. In general, se recomanda detergenti delicati, temperatura de 30-40 grade si stoarcere foarte usoara (de preferat deloc). Calcati usor, daca este nevoie.
Alegeti pentru spalare o zi calduroasa: asigurati astfel o uscare rapida a quilt-ului dvs.
Intotdeauna uscati ferit de soare, astfel prelungiti viata culorilor. Uscati pe bara rotunda, pe plasa, sau, daca nu dispuneti de asa ceva, pe franghie cu prosoape groase, pentru a evita urmele.
Informatii detaliate vor fi furnizate cu fiecare quilt in parte.
What is a quilt
A quilt is a type of bedding— a bed covering composed of a quilt top, a layer of batting, and a layer of fabric for backing, generally combined using the technique of quilting. Another technique for securing the quilt layers is tying. Tying refers to the technique of using thread, yarn or ribbon to pass through all three layers of the quilt at regular intervals. These "ties" hold the layers together during use and especially when the quilt is washed. This method is easier and more forgiving if the quilt is made by hand. Tied quilts are called, depending on the regional area, "lap", "comfort" or "comforter", among other names. Many quilts are made with decorative designs; some quilts are not used as bed covering at all, but are rather made to be hung on a wall or otherwise displayed. More info here.
How to tend to your quilt
Dependind on its complexity level and its structure, a quilt can be only hand washed, or machine washed. Use mild detergents, 30-40 degrees maximum and little (ot none at all) spin. You can iron it, if necessary.
Pick a sunny, warm day to wash your quilts: you will ensure a quick dry. Never dry in direct the sunlight: this will make the colors fade quicly. Try to let it dry on a flat surface. If you don't have one, than use thick towels on the drying rope, to avoid marks.
More detailed info will be handed out with every quilt.