Saturday, February 13, 2010


We're beginning, slowly, to move.

We started with the most unused and unneeded items in the house: my fabrics, my supplies, my creative things.... well, not olny because of unneededesness, but because also, my sewing studio is one of the rooms that are ready.

Beside this news, mail is incoming every now and then. This time, it brought me the supplies for a special order for two special little girls: the "double flower Winnie" project. The name comes from the number: two girls, the absolute urge to have the above mentioned bear and the necessity of flowers.

Enjoy the samples!


  1. Tare vesele materialele, abia astept sa zimbesc "copilareste" la vederea quilturilor.
    Si mai ales astept ,rabdatoare- pentru ca stiu ca va fi o surpriza placuta, imagini din viitorul tau studio ;)

  2. Uau ! Dar sunt extraordinare, mai ales cele cu broderie. How much ?!

  3. Iti ofer cu drag un Premiu pentru talentul tau si pentru blog-ul interesant.
